The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.
Age 42, Male
tool of capitalism
Jersey, as in New
Joined on 2/4/02
And don't forget PENIS!!!
You make it sound like a truly magical weekend of wonderment and surprise and Canada bashing.
Great, I wasn't planning on feeling jealous tonight, but things change without warning.
Sorry dude, honestly I was depressed when I came home. You go to mod meat and then have to come back and get into the grind of your regular boring ass life? It's hard, it really really is. NG mods are the no shit coolest people to hang with for extended periods of time.
also, penis is the new cock.
The best crew, is a pedo van crew.
I wish I could've gone.
I'm so going next year, I have to. I want to experience the pedo van.
That's if we can get mal on board and to bring it again. A lot can happen in a year.
I'm so sad that I can't show up to any of the NG meets.
But one day, I'll be there. See you there sir.
Like I say, I recommend if somebody has something organized close enough to you, go to it. Official or not, NG throws the best parties ever!!!!
Oh and it was swell meeting you, too, my good sir ;D
It was great meeting you too man. You were one of the surprises of the meat to me, as you were way cool and a lot more off the wall then I was expecting. But in a completely good way. Everybody was pretty damn good with the being social really.