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Age 42, Male

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Some thoughts on mod meat 08 and what it means to NG

Posted by aviewaskewed - June 30th, 2008

Four years ago, I was not in a happy place. My friendship with someone I consider a brother seemed to be disintegrating for no good reason, I was miserable, I was depressed, and then I got an invitation to attend the first mod meat in Philly, and without a hint of exaggeration, it changed my life. Four years later, mod meat is the highlight of my year, and it's something I look forward to as soon as I come home from the last and this year was no exception.

Beyond flash, beyond the forums, beyond anything else, the best thing about NG to me is the community, it is the wonderful folks who come here (yeah yeah, not everybody fits that description, but there's still enough of 'em to make that statement true). If you get a chance to go to ANY sort of NG meetup, I strongly advise you go, you will not regret it, official or not official. First, some thank yous and general shout outs:

Malachy: Thank you for being gracious enough to drive the pedo van crew down to meet, thank you for hanging out with me, and thank you for continuing to be a loyal contributor to The Endless Crew, I really really hope we can do the whole damn thing over again next year...but with maybe a slightly better GPS.

NG Staff: Thank you again for your continued kindness and desire to keep this event going, and for believing in it in the first place. Say what you want about the way NG has evolved over the years, but one thing you cannot question is the genuine passion and appreciation everyone on the main staff has for this site and for it's members.

To all my mod meat mates that came: Thank you for one of the absolute best meats I have ever been to. I was really glad to see everybody really getting around and mingling and so glad to see that this continues to be an event that dosen't have people breaking into cliques or "the old guys" vs. "the new", it was also great to have Rucklo and Anna there, it's awesome to be able to talk with and meet people from a different cultural persuasion then what you are. Always happy to see the Canadian contigent out too, while you may be from an inferior country, you do it proud ;) <3. <3 all you guys, you are my e-homies, and it's cool to know there's always gonna be people there I can chill with above all others.

To all my mod meat mates that didn't come: You were missed, I hope you get to come next time out and hopefully nothing in my life changes to where I can't.

I cannot do the experience justice in words, if your a moderator that hasn't come, you owe it to yourself to do so, there is no valid excuse not to do it. If there's an unofficial meet happening near you, go! It's amazing how the people on this site just want to reach out and connect, it's a testament to the love and inspiration NG has given to it's fans, and to the kind of people it attracts. People of quality...who are just a wee bit twisted :)

NG really is a revolution, and I think while some people will point to this place and say it embodies everything wrong with the internet, I'd say it embodies everything that's right about it: passion, creativity, friendship, love, and sharing. I know it sounds sappy, but I think that is so truly rare, and it should be praised and celebrated when it's found.

It's gonna be so hard going back to my job on Wednesday, and even to just go back to some semblance of real life in the meanwhile. What a great great weekend, worth missing the Subway Series for.

Oh, and lest I forget...the most important lesson of all:

penispenispenis cockjokecockjokecockjokecockjoke.


Oh and it was swell meeting you, too, my good sir ;D

It was great meeting you too man. You were one of the surprises of the meat to me, as you were way cool and a lot more off the wall then I was expecting. But in a completely good way. Everybody was pretty damn good with the being social really.


And don't forget PENIS!!!

You make it sound like a truly magical weekend of wonderment and surprise and Canada bashing.
Great, I wasn't planning on feeling jealous tonight, but things change without warning.

Sorry dude, honestly I was depressed when I came home. You go to mod meat and then have to come back and get into the grind of your regular boring ass life? It's hard, it really really is. NG mods are the no shit coolest people to hang with for extended periods of time.


also, penis is the new cock.

The best crew, is a pedo van crew.

I wish I could've gone.

I'm so going next year, I have to. I want to experience the pedo van.

That's if we can get mal on board and to bring it again. A lot can happen in a year.

I'm so sad that I can't show up to any of the NG meets.
But one day, I'll be there. See you there sir.

Like I say, I recommend if somebody has something organized close enough to you, go to it. Official or not, NG throws the best parties ever!!!!
