Some things going on with me and the world I want to put out there quick:
Looks like I finally have a real and reliable bowling team. This is good...that only took like, half the season (we started in August and we end in April). It's actually going to make us a bit more formidable while still getting a shit load of handicap points to help us (yay having a girl with a low average, haha). The tentative name for us will be No More Drama. I may start running more updates on that if I get enough people who would be interested in such recaps and such.
Found out there's a comic shop now about 20 minutes away from me, plan on taking a trip out there soon to shop and apply for a job. I'm really not loving what I'm doing, but while I'd love to be able to work in a comic shop full time or something, I probably can't afford to do it financially, so at best it'd probably just mean me having two gigs and cutting down on my time at Wal-Mart until maybe I could just finally ease my way out of there. Of course this whole plan is contingent on them actually wanting an extra person, let's hope.
Just a real quick note on some of the shitty comments I get in here from time to time from people I ban. Hey geniuses, what do you think is gonna happen when you take time to shit in my personal space about things that have nothing to do with anything I write here? Hmmm? I love how none of these folks have obviously read the BBS rules, or just forget that one about harrassing site mods or admins. If you send a mod or admin a PM bitching about a ban and swearing them out, we can and will extend your ban. On IM? Same. Post bullshit on our blogs? Same. It's not worth your time, all it gets you is banned longer. Is that something that's REALLY all that interesting, sure isn't to me, but I sure don't mind clicking that button. Just saying.
Ban me. MORE.