A new blog was demanded. But I almost never have anything to say unless I have something to plug.
I have something to plug:
Bid and buy, it's the one for 8.50 being sold by aviewaskewed (dizzuh), I'd like to get a little more then 8.50 on it. This is probably just me not having enough faith in ebay...but fuck faith, I meant to list it for higher, damn multi-tasking. So my screw up could be your gain ebayer!
Beyond that, hope you've had a good day of remembrance and reflection (that is what Memorial Day is supposed to be about) if you have soldiers in your family I hope their safe and soon on their way home.
Also hope you're all aware of that PM virus thing going round and are protecting yourself from it. Why can't these kind of idiots just die in a car crash or something instead of trying to ruin the internet for others?