The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.

Age 42, Male

tool of capitalism

Jersey, as in New

Joined on 2/4/02

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Big week

Posted by aviewaskewed - July 22nd, 2007

Pretty big week in my life, my 80 cent raise this year kicks in. For those not up to date, my plan to get promoted at work sorta work, they signed me up for everything tuesday (the raise for that just kicked in today, other half kicks in wednesday when I get my regular yearly bump), however I can't move to my new position yet since they lanced that perenial boil on my ass I have long had to sufferingly call a co-worker. You just knew it would have to come to something like that wouldn't you? I finally get rid of the worthless bastard after 5 years, but it's right when I was gonna move AWAY from the worthless bastard for more cash...hey, at least I got the more cash right?

This also upholds what I'm always saying about when you live like an a-hole that contributes nothing to helping others, it bites you in the ass. For reals.

I really need to try and do some housekeeping around the old website tommorow I think, specifically gotta look at some things to put back on the forum to clean the mod list up. It's good to have the extra help, but all those names on the list look a bit unruly, might also want to delete off those spambot accounts, long overdue for that again. Not to mention I should probably try once again to get back into the habit of putting new ramblings up for the people who (theoretically) still read 'em. Certainly have cut down on the distractions I was using as an excuse to not do that prior.

Almost through my current book on the NWA too...372 pages and it's taken the better part of 2 weeks or so to finish, bottom of the reading pile true, but usually I can read stuff faster then that. Uh...not that I'm one of those people that cares about things like that overly much, but it's nice to have useless little talents ain't it? Pretty dense though, very good, very well researched and if your a wrestling fan, you should give it a look. It can be a little dry though, so if your more a casual fan that wants to hear the colorful personalities of the business talking on the record about backstage type stuff, this book won't be for you.

Also a shout out to SevenSeize for the great banner. If you like it, leave her some love for the good work. If you don't...uh, being quiet is probably your best idea in that case then because if she dosen't hunt you down and beat you then I surely will. Nobody likes rude people.

Almost 4 a.m. that's my cue to make a crappy sign-off, yay crappy sign-off!!!

Long days and pleasent nights folks.


awwwwww. Thanks for claiming my crappy MS Paint banner. lol


I really think it's good stuff. Proof also that not everything great has to be done with Photoshop. Way to fight the power!!!

Well, I used gimp too....whic is like, half of photshop lol..... but thanks for appreciating it. :-)

Ok, so it's only 50% photoshop...but the point is that it was not ALL photoshop. :)

I know what you mean about crappy co-workers bahh, we have this one guy who's a totally lazy bastard and he should be shot, seriously, the shit he doesn't do ads up and basically some poor bastard later has to spend two extra hours of their day trying to fix it!

and then he milks the clock, he'll sit in the office not doing shit and refusing to do shit while fucking around on the internet and then not even clock out until two hours after the boss tells him to just go home!

when i'm there, i'm fucking working!

btw, have sex your your boss, it'll help

hope all goes well bro.