The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.

Age 42, Male

tool of capitalism

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Joined on 2/4/02

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aviewaskewed's News

Posted by aviewaskewed - February 13th, 2009

Got a new column up over at PWIPop, I'm hoping to work about a week ahead while I have the material handy to do so (at present I have a column for next week, and the week after in the can and ready, but may wind up doing one or two columns ready before or after next week which would pad me out even further). The biggest thing I'm finding is screwing me is sitting down to write knowing I have self-imposed deadlines on things, so I'm trying to take a tip from Brian Bendis and write things out far far in advance so that on any given day I can just get up and do whatever kind of column I feel like doing, and even be able to have do nothing or do other stuff days without feeling bad about it.

I love writing, but working full time, and modding here, and my bowling league and just hanging out with the real life friends is time consuming. So yeah, let's hope that works, I'm hoping to have something up on the home site (www.theendlesscrew.com for those not savvy) sometime next week as well and I'd like to see if I can't work up a few ahead there, my big problem though is sometimes with such a narrow focus (comics) things don't leap out at me and I'm not going to do work I don't believe in, sure the reader might be getting free content but if you spend your time to read it that it should be GOOD free content. Ya know?

That's about it for now, I'm just looking to plug my work and then move back on. Thanks to everyone who has nice things to say about the odds and ends I do around the internet, the support and kind words are appreciated. For those that don't like it, or don't care well...I like to think there's a special place in hell for people who hate on others for either no reason, or really bad ones. :)

Posted by aviewaskewed - December 26th, 2008

I hope everyone had a merry christmas, happy hannukah, crazy kwanzaa, or whatever it is you celebrate. I also hope you've got some great plans for ringing in the New Year.

08 was a pretty good year all in all over here I think. I gota gig doing semi-regular columns at WIPop.com, I think I've rediscovered some the passion for working on my own site at www.theendlesscrew.com (we actually got a plug over in LITG at comicbookresources for running christmas day material, so let's see how that works for us in terms of hits and readership).

I got to tour Yankee Stadium before it closed, and have a great team in a brand new stadium to look forward to next year. My dad and I are already talking about hitting the pre-season exhibition game with the Cubs.

Plus joined a bowling league and you know? It's a good team and I'd like to see what we might be able to do if we got to start in a league and stay consistent with it the whole season instead of just halfway through.

So I hope your year was good too, I hope your new year will be great, and hopefully we'll all be able to enjoy each other's company for another 365. Or you know, we'll just have some laughs at each other's expense, whatever works.

Posted by aviewaskewed - November 30th, 2008

Some things going on with me and the world I want to put out there quick:

Looks like I finally have a real and reliable bowling team. This is good...that only took like, half the season (we started in August and we end in April). It's actually going to make us a bit more formidable while still getting a shit load of handicap points to help us (yay having a girl with a low average, haha). The tentative name for us will be No More Drama. I may start running more updates on that if I get enough people who would be interested in such recaps and such.

Found out there's a comic shop now about 20 minutes away from me, plan on taking a trip out there soon to shop and apply for a job. I'm really not loving what I'm doing, but while I'd love to be able to work in a comic shop full time or something, I probably can't afford to do it financially, so at best it'd probably just mean me having two gigs and cutting down on my time at Wal-Mart until maybe I could just finally ease my way out of there. Of course this whole plan is contingent on them actually wanting an extra person, let's hope.

Just a real quick note on some of the shitty comments I get in here from time to time from people I ban. Hey geniuses, what do you think is gonna happen when you take time to shit in my personal space about things that have nothing to do with anything I write here? Hmmm? I love how none of these folks have obviously read the BBS rules, or just forget that one about harrassing site mods or admins. If you send a mod or admin a PM bitching about a ban and swearing them out, we can and will extend your ban. On IM? Same. Post bullshit on our blogs? Same. It's not worth your time, all it gets you is banned longer. Is that something that's REALLY all that interesting, sure isn't to me, but I sure don't mind clicking that button. Just saying.

Posted by aviewaskewed - October 10th, 2008

I really love Halloween. Lot's of people don't, those people suck. Seriously.

By the way, you know what the big argument against Halloween has been right? The big people against it? Really really conservative Christians, cause it's "pagan".

If you fit the description of ultra conservative Christian, I want you to keep reading, I really do. Because you need a history lesson. Let's roll that beautiful bean footage:

The Christian Religion as currently practiced by the great majority, was basically "invented" by the Roman Emperor Constantine as a means to unite his empire after winning a Civil War for the throne. But Constantine was a PAGAN, he worshipped a sun god. His "conversion" to Christianity was basically a political sham. He immediately began changing the trappings of the religion immediately to fit his Sun God worship, but just putting it under a different name, and then rigidly formalizing it into an organized political machine (hello Catholic Church). You can learn this in any decent history class or source. You're religion has many many pagan roots, so screw this idea of "oh paganism bad". Shut up, you don't want to celebrate? Don't, that's absolutely your right. But don't fuck it up for people who do!!!

There is nothing inherently wrong or evil with Halloween, the original idea and what not of the holiday is long gone and it's simply evolved into a day in which people can pretend to be someone else, have fun, and kids can go door to door, be a favorite character, and eat candy till their sick. Scary movies invade our TV's and multiplexes (some great, some trash). It's just FUN! Anyone against fun I have no use for, none, not a bit, go away.

Also, if we're going to start arguing about Halloween being a religious holiday and trying to use that backdoor to get it out of schools and elsewhere, well Christmas is too, so do away with that also. What? You don't have a problem with Christmas? But it's a religious holiday like Halloween is! See, just killed that argument too.

Also stores? STOP PUSHING CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER OR OCTOBER!!! YOU JUST PISS US OFF. I've hated anytime I've had to help unload a bloody truck lately and there's like one pallet of Halloween decorations and stuff, and like two of Christmas. I know the Christmas sells better, that's where the big money is made, but come on! Do we really need that much that soon? Really? I think not.

So in the end, if you don't like Halloween, just make that your own personal opinion and don't try to screw around with other people's fun and good time.

Posted by aviewaskewed - September 24th, 2008

http://www.pwipop.com/features.php?fea ture=143

That's my new PWIpop column promoting this very website. Please to be making use of the comments section and helping to get the love for NG out there...but for the love of God be responsible in the doing of it children!!!

Posted by aviewaskewed - August 4th, 2008

So, I just started what I'm hoping is going to be a regular gig over at www.pwipop.com doing some writing over there about various pop culture things. It's not a paying gig no, but neither is modding. It's fun though and it's reputable group of people running it so who knows, could be something big, could just be a hobby type thing.

Anyway, here's the link to the first one http://www.pwipop.com/features.php?fea ture=56

Hope you all enjoy and leave comments. If you've got any ideas for stuff I could write about, post 'em here too!!! I really enjoy doing this stuff, but sometimes it can be dang tough to come up with ideas. Probably gonna do a lot of movie reviewing and stuff for times like that. But I really want to try and keep up with this. Hope you guys enjoy it and a big and heartfelt thank you to all my wonderful, wonderful friends who continue to support me in all that I attempt. I know it's mushy, but it's true, I couldn't do it without you believing in me :)

Posted by aviewaskewed - June 30th, 2008

Four years ago, I was not in a happy place. My friendship with someone I consider a brother seemed to be disintegrating for no good reason, I was miserable, I was depressed, and then I got an invitation to attend the first mod meat in Philly, and without a hint of exaggeration, it changed my life. Four years later, mod meat is the highlight of my year, and it's something I look forward to as soon as I come home from the last and this year was no exception.

Beyond flash, beyond the forums, beyond anything else, the best thing about NG to me is the community, it is the wonderful folks who come here (yeah yeah, not everybody fits that description, but there's still enough of 'em to make that statement true). If you get a chance to go to ANY sort of NG meetup, I strongly advise you go, you will not regret it, official or not official. First, some thank yous and general shout outs:

Malachy: Thank you for being gracious enough to drive the pedo van crew down to meet, thank you for hanging out with me, and thank you for continuing to be a loyal contributor to The Endless Crew, I really really hope we can do the whole damn thing over again next year...but with maybe a slightly better GPS.

NG Staff: Thank you again for your continued kindness and desire to keep this event going, and for believing in it in the first place. Say what you want about the way NG has evolved over the years, but one thing you cannot question is the genuine passion and appreciation everyone on the main staff has for this site and for it's members.

To all my mod meat mates that came: Thank you for one of the absolute best meats I have ever been to. I was really glad to see everybody really getting around and mingling and so glad to see that this continues to be an event that dosen't have people breaking into cliques or "the old guys" vs. "the new", it was also great to have Rucklo and Anna there, it's awesome to be able to talk with and meet people from a different cultural persuasion then what you are. Always happy to see the Canadian contigent out too, while you may be from an inferior country, you do it proud ;) <3. <3 all you guys, you are my e-homies, and it's cool to know there's always gonna be people there I can chill with above all others.

To all my mod meat mates that didn't come: You were missed, I hope you get to come next time out and hopefully nothing in my life changes to where I can't.

I cannot do the experience justice in words, if your a moderator that hasn't come, you owe it to yourself to do so, there is no valid excuse not to do it. If there's an unofficial meet happening near you, go! It's amazing how the people on this site just want to reach out and connect, it's a testament to the love and inspiration NG has given to it's fans, and to the kind of people it attracts. People of quality...who are just a wee bit twisted :)

NG really is a revolution, and I think while some people will point to this place and say it embodies everything wrong with the internet, I'd say it embodies everything that's right about it: passion, creativity, friendship, love, and sharing. I know it sounds sappy, but I think that is so truly rare, and it should be praised and celebrated when it's found.

It's gonna be so hard going back to my job on Wednesday, and even to just go back to some semblance of real life in the meanwhile. What a great great weekend, worth missing the Subway Series for.

Oh, and lest I forget...the most important lesson of all:

penispenispenis cockjokecockjokecockjokecockjoke.

Posted by aviewaskewed - May 2nd, 2008

Here there will most probably be spoilers, I'll try to avoid them as much as possible, but I get the feeling I can't convey what I liked and didn't from this movie without potentially spoiling just little bits. If you don't like that, I'll just give you the quick summary: Go see this movie! It's fun, it's funny, it's the most realistic type super hero movie I've ever seen, and they just did so much great and right here. A must see summer flick.

Now then, with that said. Iron Man was a fantastic flick. They leaned heavily on the version of Iron Man from Marvel's Ultimate version of the character, which I personally loved since that's the version of Iron Man I dig the most. Robert Downey Jr. was the perfect choice here as he plays the egotistical, womanizing bastard of early Tony with great aplumb, humor, and style. He's a hateable guy in some of his actions, but Downey still makes him likeable enough that you can see why the people close to him stick by him.

The relationship between Stark and Dr. Yensen is very very good. The friendship they develop while in the captivity of The Ten Rings (and I think all long time comics fans like myself will understand where our logical progression to the next film is going, kudos for that as well as now they can flow directly into the next movie like it's an extension of this one, rather then something they'd have to have a certain level of disconnect, and building of the villian off of) feels real, honest, and it's an emotional moment when that bond is broken. The romance between Stark and Pepper Potts is also spot on, and great to watch, as it's not the ham-fisted sort of thing we're used to from so many super flicks. Stark and Jim Rhodes also have a wonderful friendship that is by turns endearing, and occasionally makes you say "why the hell does Jim put up with this guy?". Great work on the relationships.

Ok, let's talk about the suit and the tech then. The suit looks great, there's some dodgy science used throughout sure, but I think they follow the rule of sci fi very well, that rule being "as long as you can properly and clearly explain how something works, it's all good". I also like that Stark doesn't treat it like some heavy burden or big responsibility. To be honest, that always rang false to me in his portrayal in the comics, if you have something that can fly, and makes you almost completely impervious to harm, you are gonna be elated to put that thing on and use it. That is how they play it here. I also like that they include plenty of scenes and time to Tony developing the armor, and going through trial and error. I appreciate that kind of craft and the aversion to taking short cuts, it allows the audience to understand how the armor works along with Tony. They perfectly play how the armor can effect Tony's medical issues in the finale.

Speaking of the finale...STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS PEOPLE!!! The rumors are true, and as a big fan of The Ultimates, I absolutely marked out hard to see that role, with that actor, on the screen. I'm trying hard not to spoil it for people that haven't heard about it.

I can't really find anything wrong with this flick honestly, for it's genre, for what it is, and I think that's how you have to judge these things; it's simply fantastic and something you need to see on the big screen. I also look forward to picking up the DVD, and I think that's the true test of any films true merits, would you want to own it? For me, hell yes.

I'd give Iron Man 4 stars.

Posted by aviewaskewed - April 24th, 2008

It's the blog nobody demanded!!! Oh, wait...no, some people actually did. What the heck is wrong with you? Do you understand how little effort I put into these things? Right then.

You wanna know something I'm tired of? The religion vs. atheism debate. I got into this conversation with some friends of mine last night, based off of something I was watching on Bill Maher the other day (if you get HBO, have at least some interest in american politics, and haven't checked this show out, please check your listings and so do, funny and thought provoking). Maher is an avowed atheist, he even has a movie coming out on the subject, and he just thinks religion is ridiculous especially the Judeo-Christian religion with the talking snake and flying bodily to heaven. Now, I imagine that pisses off religious folks, even open minded religious folk. I would think of one of the friends I'm speaking with about this as somebody who was open minded religious folk but when you bring up that there's someone fundamentally denying his religious persuasion, or the idea of God, he got fairly frazzled. Like trying to say "oh, well it sounds like he just has a problem with the bible" "no, he has a problem with the whole belief structure, you can't think the bible is dumb and say 'but I still buy into the belief system!' it just doesn't work that way". Pretty amazing to me how people get all worked up about this stuff, it really is.

Look, I personally believe there's some greater intelligence that made the universe, and guides it's movements, at least to the extent that it keeps the cosmic trains running on time, it may or may not however, be taking an interest in whether or not you get that promotion at work. You may not, you may think that's a pretty irrational way of looking at things, and to me? That's absolutely fine, that to me is the beauty of the world, we don't all believe in the same things, just respect my right to believe what I want, and I'll do the same. That's it! Why have we needed crusades, heated debate, enacting legal precedents, or just endless threads and flame warring on the internet about this? It's dumb, and it's all going to come up the same way.

Here, let me end every religion vs. atheism topic ever, right now:

Religious guy/girl/some form of bipedal mammal: You can't 100% prove there isn't a God!

Atheist guy/girl/some form of bipedal mammal: You can't 100% prove there is!

At the end of the day, it's an argument that boils down to faith and belief, and faith and belief are intensely personal things. You should have the personal security to be confident enough in your faith and beliefs, whatsoever they may be, that you don't have to make the rest of the world believe the same thing. Can't do that? Don't make a thread on the internet, start an argument in the streets, or a big ol holy war. Just take a good long soul search and figure out what's wrong with you. It'd be a better world if everybody could do that.

Now for some stuff that will either entertain, or be extremely stupid to some I imagine, pick and choose at your discretion:

So I see Stan Lee is going to be creating a new super hero universe for Virgin Comics. Riiight, because that's just what the world needs, another super people universe. Because Marvel and DC are doing so well with that right now, and they aren't just big convoluted cash cows. Not to mention, Stan has always been a phenomenal man for ideas, but I've got to say that with the exception of Amazing Spider-Man, Stan's writing and plotting skills aren't the vaunted things they sometimes are believed to be (his Daredevil issues were sometimes downright wretched). I do admire and respect Stan's creativity, his ambition, and the fact that the man is pushing in on 90 and is still an active, and vibrant creative man. God bless him may he live another 100 years, but this has been touted like such a big deal and to me it really isn't, unless this winds up pole vaulting Virgin into being a big time player publisher, and not just another indy pipe dream that hangs around for a year or two and then the angry creators who can't cash checks or don't get checks at all start banging down the doors.

In other "WTF?" stupid news, somebody paid 170,100 dollars for the Red Sox jersey some crazy ass workman tried to bury in the foundation of the new Yankee Stadium to curse it. Stop, go back, and read that sentence again. I can wait, please, go back and read that, and let all of that sink in for you. Now, there's two parts of this story I want to address:

1. The burying of the jersey: For people who aren't entirely familiar with baseball and it's myths, there's an old legend that when the Boston Red Socks sold babe ruth's contract to the Yankees they cursed themselves from ever winning the World Series again, or some such. The Curse of the Bambino as it was called, lasted 86 years till Boston won in 2004. A black, black year (yes, I'm a diehard Yankee). So apparently the idea here by this workman was that he'd bury a jersey in the foundation, and that'd curse the Yankees.

People, what. The. FUCK!!!

The curse is a nice story, it's a fun bit of American myth, especially if your on the Yankee side of that fence. But to go this far? Come on! That's taking it entirely too far. What this guy did was criminal, and the Yankees treated it as such, as they should. Is it worth your job? Not to mention, you have to figure if this guy wasn't already a part of the company handling the deal, he would have been getting himself hired specifically just to vandalize the place. There's The Bleacher creatures, which are super fans, and then there's morons like this guy.

2) The auction: why the hell is this jersey being auctioned? Why the hell is the person who spent this money going to get honored at Fenway Park by the Red Socks later in the year? It's a team giving a criminal some credit, and it maybe encourages somebody to do this kind of nonsense again. I'm sure some people will defend it as it was a charity auction, but fuck that, you got that kind of money to spend? Then just flat out donate it. Don't glorify somebody's stupidity. As far as Boston making a big deal of it, well, guess I can't blame them, there's a lot of money made on both sides of the line from the Yankees/Red Socks rivalry. Not to mention, the Red Socks probably need to celebrate every little bit they can, it's not like they've actually really been beating us on merit or anything, they just wind up taking advantage when the Yankees fall apart. Shut up Red Socks fans, you know it's the truth.

I'll try to update these more often I think, since people actually want to read it, and reply to comments more often too. I just don't usually have a lot to talk about since I lead an exceedingly boring life, and there's usually so little to write about. There's lots of stuff that pisses me off, but so little that's worth wasting my energy on writing about.

Cheap plug section: Wanna read some various rants I've had about comics over the years? Pop on over to www.theendlesscrew.com and check out "avie rants", I'm trying to find some time somewhere to post up a new one. You can also join up with our forums and hang out with the misfit gang of NG users and other assorted internet people what stop over there.

Posted by aviewaskewed - November 22nd, 2007

I was asked for one specific thing in this: I had to talk a bit about puppies. So I will: Puppies rock, you don't like puppies? You go kill yourself. Teh end.

Anyone else getting a little sick of the untruth in environmentalism? I don't mean anything about is global warming a myth, or the science that may or may not be incorrect, or yadda. No, I'm just saying the untruth in advertising. Let's tell the truth: It isn't save the planet, it's save the planet for US.

Which is a fine damn idea I say! I like being alive, I like the idea of people I like and my bloodline continuing, these are things that are of personal importance to me, and if we could keep the planet in a state where these things can happen; I'm down. All this stuff is anyway is another hobby for most people, because lets face it. Top of the food chain is humanity, and we gotta figure out ways to stay busy...least until the deer figure out how body armor and shotguns work...then it's de-evolution time but until then. Yeah, let's just be honest, we can't destroy the planet, the universe has been trying that for billions of years (sorry Mike Huckabee supporters, the evidence is pretty clear it's been more then a mere 6000) and hasn't succeeded yet, so I don't think our plastic bottles and super bad garbage is gonna kill it. We can only fuck it up for ourselves and maybe kill the species, so let's just put that on the bumper stickers please "Save the humans! Stop polluting!". Yeah...I guess that one isn't as catchy.

Also, saw The Mist yesterday, great flick, awesome adaptation (but since it was done by Frank Darabont who also did "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile" can we be surprised?) of a King story about what fear does to people. The ending is a bit rough, and if your a parent, it will probably fuck with you, but I still recommend peeping it out.

Hope everyone had a good holiday and remember to be nice to your store clerks tomorrow...as one of their number, I can tell you we live in mortal fear of tomorrow. Maybe I'll do one of these before somebody complains about how long it takes between them again, lol.

Good night, and good luck...or something.